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Who are we?
We are a Free Methodist Church. We love the Christ-centered focus of the Free Methodist Church. You can check out our beliefs here.
We also say, "Amen!" to the vision and mission our denomination upholds. You can also check them out here.
What are we big on?
He > i
It's not about you, it's about Jesus.
Multiply not maintain
To increase His Kingdom, we must decrease our comfort.
Live a life worth imitating
Would anyone want your life?
In & Out
What Jesus wants to do through you, He must first do in you.
Love people by serving them
You will see Jesus when you serve the marginalized
People over Buildings
As in the Trinity, we are made by and for meaningful relationships.
God said it, that settles it
God's Word trumps my preference.
Get small to get big
Small groups nurture big changes.
Get real to get right
Honesty in the context of accountability brings transformation.
Family on mission, not family and mission
We serve with our families, not apart from them.
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