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Why is it crucial we study the Ten Commandments? Do these laws really relate to us, now that we have the Gospel? Shouldn't we be focusing on God's grace and understanding eternal life through Jesus Christ?

Remember when the Rich, Young Ruler came to Jesus and asked him how he could attain eternal life?

How did Jesus answer him? Jesus started with the Ten Commandments.

WCC Mexico Missions 2024

WCC Mexico Missions 2024

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WCC Mexico Missions 2024

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We are walking through the timeless truths of Scripture.  Use the lessons below to lead your home groups and families.  Just click the lesson below to view the Bible Lesson.

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Do you know the Holy Spirit? If you could describe the Holy Spirit, how would you do it? This is how Jesus did it, with a picture worth a thousand words.



Sam Manu

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What do you dream for or long to have? How will you get it? If you get it, what will it cost you? Will it be worth it? Come and join in on a young man's journey of his dream.



Sam Manu

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What is the most important thing about God those in Heaven know that we on earth desperately need to know? The angels declare there is nothing more important to know than this.



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When pressure comes from influential  people in your lives, how has your marriage, family or friendships fared? The power and benefits of unity come only under pressure.



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What is the most important question of all? The late Larry King interviewed the world's most powerful and admired. He considered the truthfulness of this the most important of all--the Virgin Birth.



Sam Manu

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Your faith, or lack thereof, can powerfully impact your loved ones for good or sadly infect them for bad. See this principle played out in the life of Lot and his family.



Sam Manu

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Who's got your back? When you are threatened or are in great need, who comes to your your side? Alliances in ancient times meant life or death. Are they not similarly important today?



Sam Manu

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When powerful people and forces are aligned together against you, you can feel alone and overwhelmed. The Prophet Isaiah calls you to remember, 'But who are they compared to God?!'



Sam Manu

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When your beauty and health are robbed from you and you are shunned by all, what will you do? From where will your help come from?



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When God's Spirit leads, amazing happens! Every day, in everything, to everyone, Jesus was led by the Spirit. The secret to Jesus' peace and power was being led by the Holy Spirit.



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The great tragedy of the Church today is the sidelining of the teaching and dependence on the Holy Spirit. Is it no wonder the American Church is in decline?



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It can't be that hard to forgive, right? Well, despite seeing Jesus perform spectacular miracles and healings, the disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith in only this one area--forgiveness.



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What happens when you reject God’s love, repeatedly? Jesus' lament gives you a glimpse into God’s heart and a warning of the disastrous consequences.



Sam Manu

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When someone rejects you or slanders you, how do you respond? Will the pain cause you to seek active or silent revenge? In that fragile moment, can you receive or hear Jesus' rebuke?



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When are you most tempted? What causes you to be most vulnerable to do wrong or doubt God? Do you know? Satan does.



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Where can you experience God?  Jesus reveals to us you can experience the profound, amazing presence and favor of God in the simple and the mundane of the every day.



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Jesus neither begs nor bargains with you, but calls you to follow him. Check out Levi's inspiring response to Jesus' radical call.



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If you follow Jesus, He declares you will become a light in a dark world? Light is welcomed to those in the dark seeking sight, but not to those who don't want their actions or motives revealed.



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How's your heart? Jesus says the condition of your heart determines whether you can receive Good News and truths that set you free. Come and take a check up on your heart.



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What do you base your identity on? Is it work, your looks, your titles, or who you know? See how Jesus ties identity to Him with love and obedience.



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The Gospel proclaimed that in Jesus, God is With Us, Immanuel. But that is not a New Testament​ revelation, it's actually pictured and enacted right here, through the Ark of the Covenant.



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If you are going to follow God, He commands you to be strong and courageous. Thankfully, God always en-courages us so we may have courage. Learn from Joshua.



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To follow Jesus is not accomplished by earning it, but by counting the cost, prioritizing Him above all else, and never looking back. Come and see how three persons responded to Jesus' call.



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Is religion only a private affair?  Not if you believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Learn from John the Baptist as he models personal holiness and political courage.



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Today, what will be the most powerful thing you will do?  Think of all the things you will do and can do.  James says the most powerful thing you can do today is this--pray!  Come and see why.



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Is wealth a gift or a curse?  What happens when we seek the gift of wealth without the Giver of wealth? James describes the sudden, moral free-fall.



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How do Kingdom people, Jesus People, act or relate to each other?  Jesus says if you want to know, you will have to not grow up, but grow down.



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Humanity has been able to tame every animal on earth. However, James says there remains one beast no man or woman, in their own power, has been able to tame--the beast of the tongue!



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How does mourning and grief bring about blessings? In our culture where we seem to avoid pain and grief at all cost, hear again Jesus' words of God's gift and purpose for those who mourn.



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When you tell a story, especially in a conflict, who is usually put in the best light? Such is the gravity of self-justification, seeming always to pull us in to defend ourselves.



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The Bible describes our lives not in time, but in seasons. So what season are you in? Discerning the season and seeing God in your season will make all the difference.



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How did God rescue the world? Through a common servant girl from a forgotten town. No one was more surprised than Mary. No words could express her joy. So she sang it out. 



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Have you been obedient to God, yet see God seemingly withhold blessings from you and give them to others? Imagine living that way for years unto decades. Meet Zechariah & Elizabeth.



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How can faith in Christ pass from one generation into another generation in greater degree? Read how his mother and grandmother influenced Timothy to powerfully impact the world.



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When a crisis comes down, what comes up? Often it is only a crisis that will reveal the dark area in our lives the Lord wants us to address.



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Isaiah 43:16-21
Do You See It?

What keeps you from seeing something new God is doing in your life? What usually keeps you from seeing it?



Sam Manu

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When others criticize you, even when you are busy doing good, how do you respond? Do you only hear the criticism? Can you see through it?



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Do you know Jesus or do you know only about Him? There is an eternal difference hanging in the balance. You may be surprised who claimed to know Him.



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In our modern culture where busyness is seen as a virtue, how can you become the calm to the surrounding storm of constant, and often unrealistic expectations and demands of others?



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Jochebed. Do you know the name? Well, if you have ever faced the darkest, most terrifying crisis in your life and felt paralyzed, then on this Mother's Day, remember this name.



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We often fail to love God not from lack of belief or knowledge, but lack of time. Life gets busy and we just don't give God the time of day. Jesus warns us the fruits of such a life is disaster.



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Hell, a subject no one wants to talk about, but which Jesus talked of more than even Heaven. Read again this unforgettable story from Jesus.



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When you are tempted by Satan to do what you know to be wrong, even destructive to yourself and others you love, what is always missing in his temptation?



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If you had not heard God's voice in a long time, what would you hope to hear first? Words of love, hope, or comfort? The Good News, however amazing it is, does not start that good...



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Jesus' meeting with the religious expert can be described in Mark Twain's words, “It’s not the things in the Bible I don’t understand that bother me, it’s the things I do understand that bother me.”



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Jesus says there are three things in this world that compete against Him for your heart. Your fulfillment and fruitfulness are at stake. So which is winning your heart today?



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Jesus is our Passover Lamb. He was sacrificed for our sins, our betrayal. How he dealt with betrayers will shock you, but also give you a glimpse into the immense, amazing love of God.



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Before an important event or personal crisis, what do you do? If God were to meet you at this crisis moment, what do you think his first words to you would be? You may be surprised.



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In the Old Testament, did you know only Abraham was called a 'friend of God'? What does it mean to be a friend of God? Are you a friend of God?



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A disease pandemic. Quarantine. Social distancing. Excluded from community. We are not the only ones who have experienced this. See how Jesus handled such fearful times.



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Are we by nature, from birth morally good, neutral or sinful? How does one become good or righteous in relation to God?  Also, does not the wrath of God contradict the belief in a loving God?



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The Gospel is a declaration of war!  Did you know that?  Study how Mark's opening verse was an immediate threat to all reigning powers and a danger to all followers of Jesus Christ.



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What do you do when you get in trouble or become sick?  What do you do when you are happy?  James shares God's wisdom for each circumstance.



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To what lengths would you go to get close to Jesus?  Would a sinful past, physical limitation, or public embarrassment hold you back?  If so, consider the tax collector Zacchaeus.



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Why does evil exist?  Is evil learned and thus a social construct?  Does evil originate from organizations like the government, corporations, police, or 'the system'?  Discover the Bible's clear and devastating answer.



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Teaching the Word of God is one of immense privilege and honor.  However, James gives a necessary warning.



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What keeps you from being as thankful as you know you should? Is it not comparison? Comparison is often the thief of joy, blinding us to God’s blessings all around us.



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What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus? How has Jesus called you to follow Him? Come, see, and hear the Lord's radical call of your life.



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Magnificat means praise be. Zechariah praises God for raising up ‘a salvation for us’. It is a salvation from enemies from without—the Roman Empire, but greater still the enemy from within—sin.



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Who is the First Family of the Gospel? According to Luke, it's not Jesus' family, but John the Baptist's. Come and see what makes this family and what can your family amazing!



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Luke proclaims his Gospel joins the accounts of eyewitnesses and servants of the Word. A servant submits to the authority over him. What does it mean for you to be a servant of God’s Word?



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What are you fearful about? What causes you worry and anxiety? Do you ever feel guilty that you have been blessed, but that it is still not enough? Then consider Abram.



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Ever wonder how you survived that crisis or escaped that disaster? You and I will be amazed when we find out who has been standing in the gap pleading to God on our behalf.



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Like unto Mary, God’s call upon your life will at times be amazing, even seemingly impossible. You’re not qualified, and you know it, so what will you do?



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Do you ever wonder why you ruin a good thing, like you have a gift for doing that? Actually, there are common reasons we all do, even toward the good things and gifts God has for us.



Sam Manu

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Have you ever been the cause of fear and embarrassment to your family? See how Jesus handled it.